Tailored Technology Platforms

At BCAS Biomed, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of healthcare innovation. Through our partners we are always on the lookout for asset management systems that provide solutions for a managed equipment services provider with a focus on data driven decision making.

We work to adapt the asset management system to the complexities of managing medical equipment, creating a bespoke solution we are confident can deliver for our customers. We have been in the medical devices industry since 2005, and it is this experience and knowledge that informs our requirements from the system.

Process mapping allows us to identify pain points in day-to-day activities that take place within healthcare environments, and we increase efficiency through the automation provided by technology solutions.

Automation also provides greater transparency for audit trails improving compliance and quality management. The importance of data for business has grown exponentially over the past decade and technology solutions allow us to find innovative and efficient ways to collect and present meaningful data to decision makers.

Our asset management systems provide:

  • Cloud based solution
  • Paperless asset management
  • Live asset and workflow tracking
  • PPM scheduling
  • Callout Management
  • FSN, MHRA Alert Management
  • Sub-contractor Management
  • Quality, KPI, CQC and Risk Reports
  • Multi-user access and transparency
  • Remote app: Mobile recording of work (phone/tablet) including signature (online/offline)
  • Real-time data functions, labour, completion, efficiency recording
  • Customer dashboard, live data on assets and WO’s, reports, inventory lists.

As a minimum our asset management systems record:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Equipment type
  • Serial number
  • Location (Trust, Clinic, Department)
  • Ownership (Budget Code)
  • Device condition (Important for equipment replacement program)
  • Last service date

Our asset management systems generate a vast array of reports including but not limited to:

  • Performance against Contract KPIs
  • PPM monthly schedule
  • PPM Completed/Outstanding %
  • CM Completed (includes summary)
  • CM Outstanding (includes summary)
  • Asset variations
  • Finance/Invoicing
  • Complaints/Alerts/FSN
  • CM Analysis – user damage, training needs etc

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